Friday, December 24, 2010

... putting oneself on the line

TonyBates, CEO of Skype, apologizing for the latest downtime of Skype and what are the next action.

That is what I call AUTHENTIC LEADERSHIP - Thanks Tony for taking the courage!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Tim O'Reilly & Gary Hamel in conversation on Biz 2.0

Dialog of the two on how service will be influenced by the web.

Intelligence is in the periphery - Gary Hamel (and so true!)
Data - Culture of Measurement - Feedback Loops - Results - (and round we go, it's then called PDCA-cycle by Dr. Deming ;-)) Tim O'Reilly

Paul Levy (CEO of the BIDMC Hospital Boston) - as the role model for customer service :-)

.... what is the outcome that we really really WANT?

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Engaging the customer, visitor, or fan - an adventure

NinaSimon, a museum enthusiast running the Museum 2.0 blog, is a constant inspiration for exploring the deeper secrets to engage your customers, visitors, fans, and even potential folks you are not yet aware of.

Books with insights on how to engage them -not only in the museum context- but read yourself.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Kleines Klagelied über eine Anschlusskündigung

UPDATE (1) 2011-12-02

UPDATE (2)  2010-12-03

UPDATE (3) 2011-01-26
Inzwischen hab ich die schriftliche Kündigungsbestätigung erhalten, auch die zu viel gezahlten Rechnungen wurden zurückgebucht. Doch, wie witzig, im Januar trudelte wieder eine Rechnung ein. Ein Anruf bei der Service-Hotline. Nachdem ich meine Kundennummer nannte, sagte der Mitarbeiter nur: "Oh, Sie haben eine Rechnung erhalten, die Sie nicht hätten kriegen dürfen. Wir buchen das wieder zurück." Mal sehen, wann die Posse ihr Ende findet.

Tourism - Service Design Interaction

Are you not often wondering, why you don't
get the information before hand about certain
activities in the city you visit on holiday (or
even you home town)?

Changing the game through this in close co-
operation with the local visitor information
and marketing institutions opens fully new
paths - and best of all, you need your own
mind (not the consultant's ;-)).